The digital xray veterinary systems offered by Rocky Mountain Radiographics can be configured to retrofit existing or new veterinary xray rooms.
We carry many brands of digital xray veterinary systems, including MyVet, Americomp/Summit, Control-X, and other Diagnostic Imaging digital veterinary xray systems and radiographic suites.
Xray for Veterinarians
MyVet Xray Products
The MyVet x-ray table is a revolutionary design that delivers silent elevation to provide comfort and stability for the patient. The MyVet x-ray table is a cost-effective and workflow-efficient approach to veterinary digital radiographic imaging for your practice.
HF-AP systems are equipped with an integrated tubestand and an anatomically programmed, high frequency generator providing a cost effective and time saving solution for the veterinarian who seeks maximum capability in minimal space.
All the essential imaging tools an equine practitioner needs to portably acquire optimal clinical results in an easy-to-carry case. Equine practitioners can provide more complete onsite treatments from diagnoses obtained with maximum image quality and workflow efficiency for a more positive experience.
AccuVueCloud computing PACS system delivers both the computing and storage power over the internet. Our solution provides tools for general radiology, cardiology, orthopedics and other specialties throughout your practice & referring physicians. AccuVueCloud allows your facility to deliver improved patient care at a cost effective price.